Weddings are jam-packed with superstitions. The most common is probably, “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in her shoe.” Then there’s the old wives’ tale that the groom should never see the bride on their wedding day before the ceremony. There are some little-known superstitions about wedding dates as well. How many of these legends and lores are you concerned about?
Days of the Week
What does luck have to do with choosing a wedding date? Much of that will probably be based on your concern about superstition. According to The Knot, these are the luckiest days to get married in 2023. Why? I’m just not sure, but here is the list.
- January 9, 12, and 21
- February 2, 8 and 26
- March 2, 14 and 19
- April 1 (really?), 9 and 26
- May 6, 12, and 23
- June 3, 8 and 21
- July 1, 7 and 20
- August 1, 7, and 28
- September 3, 16 and 25
- October 3, 12 and 28
- November 5, 17, and 29
- December 2, 13, and 21
As I look at the dates, I notice that only a few are on weekends. This is a benefit for those couples looking for a more budget-friendly date. Weekdays typically are less expensive with most wedding venues. Not all, but quite a few, including Sampson’s Hollow. We provide a deep discount for Monday through Thursday events. While this wedding specialist can’t elaborate on why these dates have been identified as the luckiest, please refer to
The article also references dates that are considered to be lucky in 2024 and 2025.
Most popular dates for 2023
The weekend preceding Valentine’s Day would be a very romantic time to have a wedding, especially an intimate wedding or vow renewal. The most popular months for weddings in The Great Smoky Mountains include June, September, and October. However, November is rapidly increasing in popularity for our farm venue.
Some lucky wedding dates for the Fall season in September are;
- 09/03/2023
- 09/16/2023
- 09/25/2023
while in October, they are
- 10/03/2023
- 10/12/2023
- 10/28/2023
Day of the week wedding superstitions
While researching wedding dates and “luck,” I came across this article from I just had to share!
“While Saturdays have long been the most popular days to get married for decades, an ancient Celtic poem claims couples should avoid a Saturday wedding at all costs. It reads: “Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday the best day of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, and Saturday no luck at all.” So if a Saturday nuptial isn’t in the cards, then a weekday wedding is quite alright!”
If you are interested in a Smoky Mountain wedding and would like to chat with one of our professional wedding coordinators, give us a shout-out at 865.803.7075. You can also email Lesley at Visit us on social media. Any wedding day is a blessed day, and we would love to be a part of that with you.